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Palestine poetry in Urdu




Palestine has always been a symbol of resistance, and Palestine poetry in Urdu beautifully captures the emotions of pain, hope, and freedom. Many poets have expressed their solidarity through Urdu poetry on Palestine, highlighting the struggles of the people and their unwavering spirit. From Gaza poetry in Urdu to verses about Al-Aqsa, every word reflects the deep sorrow and resilience of the Palestinian people. Whether it’s Palestine war poetry in Urdu or heartfelt nazms, these poems inspire and awaken emotions. If you’re looking for best Palestine poetry in Urdu, you’ll find powerful words that echo the voices of the oppressed, keeping their stories alive through poetry.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
فلسطین کی جدوجہد وقت کے ساتھ ختم نہیں
ہوگی، یہ نسل در نسل جاری رہے گی۔

In this poem, the author says that Palestine’s struggle will not end with time; rather, it will continue from generation to generation. It reflects the resilience and unwavering spirit of the Palestinian people, emphasizing that their fight for justice and freedom will persist no matter how long it takes.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
اگر تم زمین پر انصاف کرنا چاہتے ہو
تو فلسطین کی آزادی کے حق میں بولنا ہوگا

In this poem, the author says that if one truly wishes to establish justice on earth, they must speak in favor of Palestine’s freedom. It emphasizes that standing for Palestinian rights is not just a political stance but a moral obligation for those who believe in fairness and humanity.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
دنیا جب بھی فلسطین کو نظر انداز کرے گی،
تاریخ اسے کبھی معاف نہیں کرے گی۔

In this poem, the author says that whenever the world ignores Palestine, history will never forgive it. It emphasizes that the oppression faced by Palestinians is a matter of global conscience, and those who remain silent today will be remembered for their inaction in the pages of history.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
دنیا کا ہر انصاف پسند دل فلسطین کی
مظلومیت پر رو رہا ہے۔

In this poem, the author says that every justice-loving heart in the world is weeping over Palestine’s suffering. It highlights the universal empathy and sorrow felt by those who stand against oppression, emphasizing that the pain of the Palestinian people is felt far beyond borders.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
فلسطین کی مٹی میں شہداء کا لہو گواہ ہے کہ حق
دبایا جا سکتا ہے، مٹایا نہیں جا سکتا۔

In this poem, the author says that the blood of martyrs in the soil of Palestine stands as proof that truth can be suppressed but never erased. It emphasizes the resilience of justice and the enduring spirit of those who fight for their rights, no matter how great the oppression.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
دی کا خواب دیکھنے والے کبھی ہارتے نہیں،
فلسطین ایک دن آزاد ہوگا۔

In this poem, the author says that those who dream of justice never lose, and one day, Palestine will be free. It reflects unwavering hope and determination, emphasizing that no matter how long the struggle, truth and freedom will ultimately prevail.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
فلسطین کی ماؤں کا صبر قیامت کے دن
ظالموں کے خلاف گواہی دے گا۔

In this poem, the author says that the patience of Palestinian mothers will stand as a witness against the oppressors on the Day of Judgment. It highlights the immense sacrifices and suffering of these mothers while emphasizing that justice will ultimately be served.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
ہم فلسطین کے لیے صرف دعا نہیں،
بلکہ ہر محاذ پر آواز بلند کریں گے۔

In this poem, the author says that they will not only pray for Palestine but will also raise their voice on every platform. It emphasizes the importance of taking action alongside prayers, highlighting a commitment to justice and the struggle for Palestinian freedom.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
دنیا سو سکتی ہے، مگر فلسطین کی مظلوم
صدائیں ہمیشہ جاگتی رہیں گی۔

In this poem, the author says that the world may sleep, but the cries of Palestine’s oppressed will always remain awake. It highlights the enduring pain and struggle of the Palestinian people, emphasizing that their voices will never be silenced, no matter how much the world tries to ignore them.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
فلسطین کا ہر زخم گواہ ہے کہ ظلم زیادہ
دیر تک باقی نہیں رہ سکتا۔

In this poem, the author says that every wound of Palestine testifies that oppression cannot last forever. It emphasizes the inevitable downfall of injustice and highlights the resilience of the Palestinian people in their fight for freedom.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
آزادی وہ خواب ہے جو فلسطین کے ہر بچے کی
آنکھوں میں چمکتا ہے۔

In this poem, the author says that freedom is the dream that shines in the eyes of every Palestinian child. It highlights the unshakable hope and determination of the younger generation, emphasizing that even in the face of hardship, their vision for a free Palestine remains alive.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
ظلم کے خلاف خاموشی اختیار کرنا،
ظالم کا ساتھ دینے کے مترادف ہے

In this poem, the author says that staying silent against oppression is equivalent to supporting the oppressor. It emphasizes the importance of raising one’s voice for justice, highlighting that indifference in the face of cruelty only strengthens the hands of the unjust.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
اگر انصاف کا پلڑا برابر ہوتا،
تو فلسطین آج آزاد ہوتا۔

In this poem, the author says that if the scales of justice were truly balanced, Palestine would have been free today. It highlights the injustice faced by Palestinians, emphasizing the world’s failure to uphold fairness and equality in their struggle for freedom.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
ظالم کی سب سے بڑی شکست یہ ہے کہ
مظلوم اس کے خوف سے آزاد ہو جائے۔

In this poem, the author says that the greatest defeat of a tyrant is when the oppressed break free from fear. It highlights the power of resilience and courage, emphasizing that true victory lies in overcoming fear and standing firm against injustice.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
جہاں سچائی دبائی جاتی ہے،
وہاں انقلاب جنم لیتا ہے۔

In this poem, the author says that where truth is suppressed, a revolution is born. It highlights the inevitable rise of justice against oppression, emphasizing that no matter how much the truth is silenced, it eventually leads to change and resistance.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
جس دن دنیا فلسطین کی چیخوں پر کان
دھرے گی، اسی دن امن کا آغاز ہوگا۔

In this poem, the author says that the day the world listens to Palestine’s cries, true peace will begin. It emphasizes that justice is the foundation of peace and highlights the need for global awareness and action to end oppression.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
ایک بچہ جو ملبے کے نیچے مسکرا سکتا ہے،
اسے کوئی طاقت شکست نہیں دے سکتی۔

In this poem, the author says that a child who can smile beneath the rubble cannot be defeated by any force. It highlights the unbreakable spirit and resilience of Palestinian children, emphasizing that their courage stands stronger than any oppression.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
کیا خبر تھی کہ چیخیں دبائی جائیں گی،
اور دنیا اسے جنگ کہہ کر گزر جائے گی؟

In this poem, the author says that who knew the cries of the oppressed would be silenced, and the world would merely call it war and move on? It highlights the indifference of the world towards injustice, emphasizing how suffering is often ignored under the guise of political conflict.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
ہر پتھر پہ لکھا ہے آزادی کا نام،
یہ کہانی ابھی ختم کہاں ہوئی ہے؟

In this poem, the author says that the name of freedom is written on every stone, and this story is far from over. It highlights the unyielding struggle of the Palestinian people, emphasizing that their fight for liberation continues despite all odds.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
ظلم کے اندھیرے زیادہ دیر نہیں رہتے،
صبحِ آزادی جلد نمودار ہوگی۔

In this poem, the author says that the darkness of oppression does not last forever; the dawn of freedom will soon emerge. It highlights the certainty of justice prevailing over tyranny, emphasizing hope and resilience in the face of adversity.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
ہم نے سیکھا ہے مر کے بھی مسکرانا،
یہی تو ہے فلسطینی ہونا۔

In this poem, the author says that we have learned to smile even in death—that is what it means to be Palestinian. It highlights the unmatched resilience and strength of the Palestinian people, emphasizing their ability to endure immense suffering with unwavering courage.

Palestine poetry in Urdu
بہتا لہو، ٹوٹے گھر، جلی دیواریں،
مگر امید کا دامن اب بھی نہیں چھوڑا۔

In this poem, the author says that despite flowing blood, shattered homes, and burned walls, the grip on hope remains unshaken. It highlights the resilience of the Palestinian people, emphasizing their unwavering determination to stand strong in the face of devastation.

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